A new school year

I’ve been thinking about what to write about lately.  There are thoughts swirling in my head, but nothing has really struck me as worthy of a post at this moment.  And I suppose that is a problem with trying to remain on a regular schedule with a blog.  Sometimes nothing really strikes my fancy to write about.  Sure I have a list of topics I want to blog about in general terms, but there is nothing leading to it right now.  I have on my list such things as: dealing with angry parents, activity banks, mentoring new and student teachers, etc.  but none of those seem pertinent right now.

Instead, I started reflecting on the beauty of a new school year.  We all know that we are in a profession that leads to a ton of burnout, yet there is still so much excitement from teachers at the start of the school year.  It’s really something if you think about it.  At the start of the year I notice cars are in the parking lot earlier as people are excited and ready to go.  I’ve been walking around campus and checking into classrooms this week, and I love the enthusiasm that teachers are bringing to their rooms.  It’s been absurdly hot an not air conditioned, but the teachers I’m seeing are projecting so much excitement and enthusiasm.  It’s awesome.  And it’s genuine.

At some point in the year it gets harder to get out of bed and get to school.  At some point it gets harder to project that excitement and enthusiasm as the days just keep coming.  Yet here these teachers are showing their true self-excited about kids and learning and their subject.  How awesome is it that despite the complaints and pressures put on teachers they still start the year with this much energy and excitement?  How awesome is it that as educators we have the opportunity to have a new start every year?  I know the doldrums of the school year will kick in eventually, but right now I’m gong to savor in the excitement that the new school year brings around campus.

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