I’m back!

I haven’t posted since March!  And prior to that, I hadn’t posted since the start of February!  As I briefly mentioned in my March post, my life and career took a dramatic turn this past semester.  I left the classroom to take on an administrative role.  This is obviously a huge shift in that I don’t spend my day teaching students.  I interact with students throughout the day, for sure, but I tend to do it in one-on-one situations now.  Other than the night class I teach and the college class I teach, I don’t lesson plan and deliver instruction to students as I did before.

The other major change is that my schedule is nothing as it was before.  Sure, I come in around the same time and leave around the same time for the most part, but while I’m here?  Totally different time line.  Often, as soon as I sit down to get something done, I get a phone call or urgent page on the radio or an angry student shows up in my office.  As a teacher, it was easy to “get in the zone” when grading, reading, writing, planning, etc. because I could lock myself away from distractions.  Now that is all but impossible.  There is no doubt that I am just as busy as before; there is no doubt that my stress has changed; but there is no doubt that I am really loving what I am doing.

Obviously my writing here took a backseat and slipped away.  I hope to change that and get back into writing.  This blog has opened so many conversations for me and allowed me to reflect on education and educational practices more than any professional development I have ever attended.  I hope to write a couple of entries over the next month of summer before I start the school year back up, and then I hope to get a writing schedule down.  I have a list of planned topics to tackle: everything from professional development, to working with angry parents, to building school and classroom community.  I hope you join me on the ride and engage in the conversation.


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